
Help evangelize the North Country! WCLP is funded by listeners like you. You can help to spread the treasures of the Catholic faith by making your donation through the PayPal button on this website. Any amount you can spare, whether it's $1.00 or $1,000 is appreciated. If you can't help us financially, we ask that you might still kee us in your prayers. May Jesus and His Blessed Mother hold you close to Their Hearts!
WCLP is a ministry of Light of Truth, Inc. a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. All donations are tax deductible.

Underwriting Opportunities

Whether you are a for-profit business, a non-profit entity, or someone who'd just like to support Lake Placid's only Catholic radio station, we have an option for you!

You can promote your for-profit business or non-profit entity by choosing an underwriting spot.

Or, you can choose a "WCLP Supporter" spot, which allows you to broadcast your name as a WCLP supporter, the name of a loved one in memoriam, or your business's name once per day for a nominal fee.

For details and prices, please contact us at:
Phone: 518-312-5636